Each one of the four Youth Tour contest finalists orally presented their essay entries from memory, Thursday, March 26th in Cleveland. Judges extended their deliberation due to the finalist’s exceptional speech skills and knowledge of electric cooperatives. The 52nd IEC Youth Tour contest awarded two all expenses paid trips to Washington, DC, to winners Roni Fowler and Nathan Brock of Pawnee High School. Colorado Youth Leadership Camp trip winners, Savana Childers of Mannford High School and Kamille Ellis of Pawnee High School won all expenses paid trips to the Rocky Mountain camp in Glenn Eden, Colorado.
IEC congratulates and applauds these exemplary winners. The life changing opportunities provided during their upcoming summer leadership trips are unmatched nationwide for students of this grade level.
Additionally, the 25th IEC Youthpower Energy Camp team essay contest concluded. Judges awarded 4 all expenses paid camping trips to Oilton Public Schools eighth graders Kaitlynn Painter and Samantha Stokes for their team essay entitled “Special Principles” and teammates, Noah Marshall and Jacob Simmons for their essay entitled, “Round-Up Rodeo”. This win continues a 3 year Energy Camp winning record for Oilton public schools.
A new award recognized teachers of the winning students. Teachers, Myra McCurry, Becky Beagle, Donna Lamberson and Lisa Sadler, each won a $100.00 grant for education supplies or seminars. Teacher grant will be awarded again next year.
Youth Tour and Energy Camp winners experience life changing leadership events during their respective summer trips. Returning students consistently declare, “This trip changed my life”.
Youth Tour will begin again in the fall. Interested contestants for the 2016 leadership programs can find contest information on IEC’s website after the beginning of the 2016 school year. Clara Eulert, Youth Tour Coordinator is available by email, [email protected] or phone, 918) 295-9558. Classroom visits are welcomed and available by appointment.
Front Row left to Right:
Savana Childers, CYLC winner, Nathan Brock and Roni Fowler, Youth Tour winner and Kamille Ellis, CYLC winner.
Back Row left to Right:
Robert Burk, IEC Board of Trustees President and District 5 Trustee, Noah Marshall, Jacob Simmons, Samantha Stokes and Kaitlynn Painter all of Oilton Public Schools 8th grade and Berry Keeler, IEC Board Trustee for District 1