A welfare check on two citizens walking along Hwy 51 resulted in those two citizens being arrested for Possession of Methamphetamine, Possession of Drug paraphernalia, Maintaining a Residence where Drugs are Kept or Sold and Use of a Telephonic Device to Facilitate a Drug Crime.
Officer Michael Mashbum activated his emergency equipment and then approached Joseph (40) and Lori Ann Dibler (24) noticing that both were making erratic movements with their mouths and limbs, according to the police report. In addition, Joseph began reaching into his pockets numerous times after being instructed by Mashbum to cease. This prompted a patdown by the officer. During this, Officer Johnny Porter noticed Lori Ann reaching into her backpack. He immediately requested she cease and then asked permission to search her backpack. She consented , according to the police report. Porter’s search was to locate a possible weapon, bu instead discovered three syringes, two baggies containing what would test positive as methamphetamine, one metal spoon and a cut straw which are items indicative of methamphetamine use.
The couple was placed under arrest, but before being transported, they informed officers that they a a 17 month old child at their trailer home in

Joseph Dibler

Joseph Dibler

Lori Dibler

Lori Dibler

. The child, they said, was with a baby sitter, according to the police report. Porter then asked if there were drugs at the home to which they both acknowledged their were. They then consented to take officers to the home to retrieve the drugs for the child’s safety.
Officers located 17 baggies with methamphetamine, four cut straws and one spoon all containing traces of meth, the report indicates.