
Upper Elementary Teacher of the Year Dianne Whalen.

Upper Elementary Teacher of the Year Dianne Whalen.

This is my 33rd year at Mannford.
2. What is your teaching philosophy and methods used to implement such a philosophy?
A.) Children are born with a natural love of learning. For whatever reason, by the time
students reach 5th grade many of them seem to be losing that natural love of learning.
This is especially true in the area of mathematics where the textbook approach to the
subject tends to overcomplicate matters. My biggest concern is the number of students I have at the beginning of the year who have a lack of self-confidence when it comes to
math. I use a lot of technology and interactive lessons in the classroom in an attempt to
approach math in a way that becomes engaging for the students. Even the most reluctant students soon find they have a lot more talent for math than they realized.
3. How does it make you feel to have such an honor as Teacher of the Year?
A.)I was thrilled to receive this honor this year. There are many talented teachers in my
building who are deserving of this honor.
4. What is it that you most hope to bring to your students?
A.) I hope to instill in my students the fact they are valuable human beings.
5. Give an example of a project or activity that your students participated in that supports your philosophy.
A.) My big activity for the year is our Pi Day celebration. Pi Day which is celebrated on March 14 We begin our celebration by reading Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi. We then make Pi necklaces using colored beads that represent the first one hundred digits of pi. This year we will also be playing a version of musical chairs using some fun Pi Day songs where the students can win Pi buttons. Of course, we finish out our celebration by
eating pie! The students have a lot of fun and learn a lot about pi.
6. What is the main challenge you face in teaching? What actions do you take to overcome it?
The biggest problem facing education today is our legislature’s attempts to overregulate
public schools with mandates and lack of funding. They have demonstrated little regard
to the fact that students are individuals with their own needs, strengths, and weaknesses. My biggest concern is the well-being of my students. Their needs will
always come first! I attempt to combat this by being politically active and advocating for
students. It also means I provide many of the materials my students need to be
successful in the classroom.
7. Describe what is your favorite part of teaching and your least favorite.
A.) My favorite part of teaching is interacting with students and seeing them grow. My least
favorite part of teaching is probably grading papers.