Ms. Gaebler passes the 'torch' to MMS student Isabel Bruski.

Ms. Gaebler passes the ‘torch’ to MMS student Isabel Bruski.

I mean, who does that? With video games, ipads, cell phones and every other modern form of technology used to take up our time, who just picks up a good old-fashion book anymore.
Her name is Isabel Bruski and she’s only 12 years old. She has out read the Mannford Middle School principal, Steve Anderson and even taken over as the lead in Accelerated Reading (ER) points after knocking her own reading teacher, Ms. Daphne Gaebler of the top of the reading slope.
“Isabel is an avid reader. As her reading teacher, I cannot think of anything better than having my record broken by a student. She certainly had to read a lot of books to pass my record of 904 points,” Gaebler said. As of Thursday morning, she had 997 points, and hoped to have 1,000 before day’s end,” she added. She has actually read over 100 books since August. I don’t have an exact count since her number change almost daily.
However, as of Tuesday, she taken 104 ER quizzes and passed 95 of those with a 92.9 percent average. Anderson explained that these quizzes are not easy…even for adults. They are designed with questions specifically related to the books and cannot be answered by someone who has only seen the movie based upon the book. To understand the point system and put Bruski’s accomplishment into perspective, Anderson said 900 pages equals 44 points.
Bruski likes Science-Fiction and Fantasy the most, with an emphasis on unicorns…her favorite thing. She has, however, read others genres as well including To Kill a Mocking Bird and Lord of the Flies. She said that reading is an escape for and she would rather read than watch television.
In addition to reading, she practices archery, writes her own fiction stories and just made the cheerleading team. I believe Gaebler’s comment best sums up this remarkable young lady, Read on Isabel! You make me proud!