Let the fun continue

Serial Thriller

Serial Thriller

! This is the 78th installment of a continuing fictional story. Before each new segment, the last paragraph from the prior edition will be shown in quotations.
“This revelation would eventually lead him to Gervasi’s chambers and a confession that would change the lives of both men in a way that allowed neither to ever return to what they had both known for most of their lives. The truth not only sets us free, it also imprisons us outside the world we once knew”
By C.L. Harmon
Knowledge is a terrifying beast; a monster that steals innocence and often leads us down paths where man should not go. For Gervasi this would be all too true. A man who truly loved God. He loved Him more than riches, pride and even the passion of a woman. And the truth that Blaine would share with him would not cause him to falter in this love, but it would open his eyes to the fact that faith was no longer needed to believe in God. If what Blaine was telling him was the truth, then proof of God’s existence was sitting in his room sharing his bottle of wine.
It was a life altering discussion for both men that would continue over the course of many months under the Cuban sun and moon. Gervasi was fascinated by the tales of living during the time of Jesus and the early days of Christianity after the Crucifixion .Blaine was captivated by the love and understanding that Christianity taught and the evolution of the church. He had spent so much time hating God that he never realized how much God had sacrificed to love humanity.
For the first time in over 1,600 years Blaine felt hope. He still struggled with his hatred over a curse he felt was undeserving, but at least he now had an opportunity to understand why he was cursed and even more…a possibility of redemption.
Gervasi was fixated on how the curse worked and questioned Blaine at length about how it occurred. Blaine explained, that even though he could remember everything that he had done, the moment he picked up that coin seemed surreal while remembering it.
“I saw these coins just resting upon the ground. No one else was there and I saw an opportunity to improve my financial situation. As I reached for them, this feeling of dread came over me and I took pause. I almost walked away. I even stood up and turned away…but damnit’ I couldn’t help myself. I knelt down and placed one of the coins in my hand. It began to scorch my skin and when I flipped my hand over to release it, nothing happened.”
Gervasi sips his wine in the evening dusk hanging on to every word as though missing one would end the tale. Blaine had risen from his chair and is leaning against a desk with his back toward Gervasi. For the first time since the curse, he felt shame and a need to hide his face.
“I was unable to move for quite some time. Frozen in a kneeling position, completely aware of what was happening around me. But at the same time, I was shown the betrayal of Christ and the origins of the silver coins. When I was eventually freed, I knew I had been cursed. God nor any angel told me. They didn’t have to. I felt it in my chest, my heart. I wandered aimlessly about for hours until coming upon a steep cliff. I closed my eyes and walked off of it hoping to never wake again. I did however, awaken. I was unscathed except for rips and tears from my garment.
I was number one. Before me, there had been countless others who had heeded the warning and were free of my fate. To come were 29 others who would join me. When I returned to the coins, there were eight left. It was eerie knowing that hell’s door had just opened for 21 more.”