Let the fun continue.! This is the 71st installment of a continuing fictional story. Before each new segment, the last paragraph from the prior edition will be shown in quotations.
“ “If you study history my son, you will find horrors and atrocities across the last 2,000 years that were initiated by one incident. That one act would set into motion a chain of events that ripped the very fiber of man’s souls.” Ripping and tearing they certainly were!’”
By C.L. Harmon

Serial Thriller

Serial Thriller

He was chanting in a whispered voice with a tongue I did not recognize and had symbols drawn into the dirt.
“Father, are you alright?” I asked it hesitantly since I was a little bit afraid of what he was doing. He turned toward me in a startled fashion, laughed a little and then stretched his hand to me.
“Help up an old man?” He asked. “I am after all over 2,000 years old.” I felt the grit from his hand as I pulled him to his feet. It crumbled as dried mud between my fingers as I released his hand. He smelled of outdoors and a strange odor of incense. “Old habits die hard I guess.” He laughed again and brushed the dirt from his hand. He did not seem to worry at all that I might find this behavior strange. “Walk with me,” he said.
“Father…what were you doing back there?”
“Praying,” he said. “You have to remember son I haven’t always been a Christian. I was a pagan when paganism was still in fashion. Not to mention that I am cursed and I have seen a lot in my stint on this planet.” He almost had a whimsical view of his situation.
“Father as a Christian, aren’t you suppose to denounce all pagan gods and beliefs? Doesn’t that go against everything Christians believe?”
“Yes, yes it does! But how I am to help you and your friends if I don’t draw on all my experience, all my wisdom and all my knowledge? You must understand Blake that before Christ, there were other powers upon this place. Some dark, some good, but they were and are still here. Just because Jesus came to earth didn’t mean everything that had been practiced, worshiped and idolized for thousands of years just vanished.”
“So what are you saying Father? Are you saying we must use evil to combat Weathers?” He seemed perplexed by my question and then sat on the front steps of the church and held out his hand.
“You see this dirt on my hand?” I shook my head that I did. “All things living came from this. Although life is regenerated through our bodies, it originates in the dirt of the earth. When God blessed the ground to produce, He did not restrict it to only the life He desired to exist. In other words, man created idols from the earth too and brought those idols or gods if you will, to life through their will to serve them. Any spirit could then inhabit those idols and bring them to life. Beginning with fallen angels and then followed by demons released from hell, false gods, idols and prophets were born into this realm.”
“Okay Father, but this doesn’t answer my question. What the hell were you doing back there?”
“Just as my current circumstance was never part of the original design for mankind, there are many, more out there who are the same. Angels who turned from God and then regretted their choice, lost souls who were destined for damnation, but never made it to hell and became lost in the cracks of the universe and many others as well are wandering the spirit world hoping to regain favor with God by corecting the wrongs of mankind. We are going to use those spirits to help us defeat this evil you call Weathers.