Sarah Endecott is MMS

Sarah Endecott is MMS

1. What do you teach and how long have you been teaching?
A.) I currently teach 6th grade math and I have taught all together 10 years.
2. What is your teaching philosophy and methods used to implement such a
A.) I believe students learn best when they understand discover the “whys.” We do this through hands-on learning and engaged discussion.
3. How does it make you feel to have such an honor as Teacher of the Year?
A.) One of the other nominees at the middle school was my teacher in 8th grade, Language Arts, and one I admired and the other two were collegues I had worked with for 8 years at Keystone Public schools . For me, being nominated and grouped in with them was a huge honor.
4. What is it that you most hope to bring to your students?
A.) Two things that I always try to provide for my students are: 1) a support system where they know they can trust me and a safe learning environment 2) Attainable goals…I push them to do their best always, high standards!
5. Give an example of a project or activity that your students participated in that supports your philosophy.
A.) Some of my favorite projects that my students, former students, and myself enjoy are: Pumpkin math Project where we measure the diameter to find the circumference. After we measure and gut them we roast the seeds, yummy. Three Dimensional figures project where we build prisms and pyramids with marshmallows and pretzels to determine the number or vertices, edges, and faces. Both of these projects were funded by Mannford PTO this year, THANK YOU!
6. What is the main challenge that you face in teaching? What actions do you take to overcome it?
A.) The toughest challenge, which I do not think has changed much over the years, is how to motivate students to complete their work. Seems more and more families are struggling to make it so the support system that is vital to learning suffers. Parent communication is key. I let them and the student know that we are a team so they know they are not alone in this process.
7. Describe what is your favorite part of teaching and your lease favorite.
A.) My favorite part of teaching is east, the STUDENTS! Seeing them mature into productive adults and knowing you had a small part in is the most rewarding part. I also love seeing those “ah ha” moments when they “get it” is awesome, especially in math where it is an enigma for many people. It is hard to list a least favorite part because I try not to be negative in my field which could be so easy to do now days because a lot of aspects are challenging. If I had a wish, it would be that all stakeholders in the educational process would work together so our state could showcase our greatest assets, our children!