Wouldn’t it be a remarkable event if 5,000 ships came to the rescue of people who were being oppressed?
What if those ships were carrying 150,000 troops who were willing to die to ensure that those people could be free and safe? Now imagine 10,000 aircraft flying above those ships with men willing to sacrifice everything for what is right. It is an awesome vision and on June 6, 1944 it
became a reality.
The Normandy invasion into Nazi occupied France was the largest armada ever assembled. It was the action of nations in their finest moments. There is no vision
greater than that of a free society which defends the right that all should be equally free.
~C.L. Harmon

This year marks the 71st anniversary of D-Day which was the turning point of WWII. This June 6, take a moment to remember the 9,000 servicemen killed or
wounded on the beaches of Normandy whose sacrifice rests in the hope of keeping
the dream and hope of global freedom alive today and forever more.

Remembering D-Day!

Remembering D-Day!