Last year, CrossTimbers was pleased to partner with local businesses in creating the first “Honor Cottage” located at  CrossTimbers Resort on  Skiatook Lake. We received local and national attention, as this was the first such cottage in the nation, providing exclusive and cost-free use by our veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.  The success of the cottage challenged us to look at additional ways to support our military and first responders. This group is underserved and overtasked when it comes to the psychological toll their career places upon them. After seeing  one too many stories in the  news about these heroes committing  suicide because of  Post-Traumatic Stress  Disorder, Traumatic Brain  Injury, or other mental stressors,  we decided to take action  and founded our own 501c3,  non-profit, Partners For  Heroes.  Partners for Heroes was founded with one purpose in mind. To create gathering spaces for America’s finest; a peaceful haven for rest and rejuvenation for their mind, body, and soul!  National studies and leading experts recommend activities in natural settings as a proven method to aid in their healing.  Allowing these heroes to spend time with their peers, away from the stress of everyday life, often leads to psychological and physical healing.  Partners is proud to be working with the US Army Corps of Engineers, identifying areas that are outdated or even closed due to disrepair. To date, three have been chosen as our inaugural sites and we are moving forward with plans for renovations. However, many more are in need of repair. Together with private corporations and individuals, we are raising funds to update these areas for the use of our veterans and first responders.  When they are not being used by these brave individuals, the areas will be open for use by the public.  Fundraising has begun in earnest and we begin by offering supporters a once-in-lifetime opportunity!  We are excited to announce two upcoming fundraising dinners featuring keynote speaker, Mr. Clint Hill. Clint Hill is the secret service agent who desperately tried to save President Kennedy by leaping onto the limousine and shielding the President and First Lady from further danger.  From that experience and the horror immediately after, Clint spent 27 years struggling with the effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Clint is proud to be able to assist others who are dealing with the same issues he has now overcome.  We have two dinners scheduled for Oklahoma. The first is at Post Oak Lodge in Tulsa on Friday, November 21st to benefit the Skiatook Outlook.  This overlook is already scheduled to be named after Clint and will be known as the “Clint Hill Heroes Gathering Place.” The second dinner is set for November 22nd in Edmond at Oak Tree Country Club with proceeds benefitting the Arcadia Lake Overlook.  The Arcadia Overlook will be named after beloved Oklahoman, Melvin Moran.  Individual tickets and table sponsorships may still be available. Individual seats begin at $150 each. Please contact us as soon as possible to check availability.  For more information regarding this organization and volunteer possibilities, please contact Executive Director Susan Erler at (918) 691-0280 or [email protected]