By Mayor Tyler Buttram
2016 stands to be one of the busiest years Mannford has ever seen if all the planned projects come together like we hope. With the possibility of a new “High End” Apartment complex and two, if not three national franchises real close to making Mannford their new home, we could possibly see 2016 being the greatest year our city has ever seen as far as new commercial and retail development. We are working very hard at providing our citizens a place they can shop for all their needs without ever having to travel into other cities. The more money we can keep in Mannford, the more money we have to fix streets, improve parks and invest in our cities future.
With the new CNG fuel station now open, we plan on capitalizing on the Hwy412 traffic traveling to and from Tulsa and Stillwater. Instead of those people driving around us, they can now come thru town and fill up here.
If you haven’t put your name on the list for the new Senior Housing and your interested in reserving a spot you need to call City Hall soon. The list has around 40 names currently and is growing every day. The project is moving along nicely and even with all the rain and cold weather, the guys are only 10 days “behind”. That said, they still plan on opening in August like originally planned.

Seya around town,