C.L. Harmon
I am not a political activist. In fact, I don’t even like politics. I am, however, a people activist. And as such, I attempt, through writing, to push that agenda and get people to see things in a new light if you will. Recently, my social media site has been plagued by the opinions of others who have expressed views on the recent rulings by the Supreme Court pertaining to its decisions on gay rights and Obamacare.

First we must remember that these nine people are simply that…people. They use toilet paper in the bathroom, shop at grocery stores, raise children, get sick and have sexual desires. They also share another human characteristic; they have opinions and they don’t always agree. They are, in essence, simply a tool of interpretation.
If they were a truly higher order of humanity, wouldn’t one think that they could at least agree with each other on a consistent basis. After all, wouldn’t harmony among our peers be considered a higher level of evolved human beings?

These posts have ranged from support to angry opposition. Many have sparked various debates among posters as to what is right or wrong. Why is that we allow nine human beings to interpret what is morally right. Didn’t we know what is moral before they handed down a decision? These people are paid to interpret the law, they are “the final judge in all cases involving laws of Congress, and the highest law of all — the Constitution”, according to various definitions of its purpose. Where does it come into play that their decisions are a moral compass for the United States?
This is not the Supreme Court’s function. This is your function as a human being. You are responsible for setting the moral compass in your life and in the lives of those you love and share this planet with. I have never let the decisions of that court, or any other, dictate what is moral in my home or life. I live and raised my children to respect the law of the land set forth by my God and by the common sense He gave me. If the laws of government are in conflict with those of my God, then I work to change them in a constructive manner.

Martin Luther King Jr. said, “”Every man of humane convictions must decide on the protest that best suits his convictions, but we must all protest.” I couldn’t agree more with his sentiment. But where do those protests begin? They begin with God and His word! The writing of the Constitution was a protest against what had been wrong while under the rule of England. That protest began in God and the words “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator…,” in the Declaration of Independence and ended with the words, “Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven,” in the text of the Constitution. It did not begin or end with the words of a few justices with an opinion.

Whether one agrees or disagrees with the court’s decisions, we must all remember that the real power to influence others and make changes, comes from our own decisions and not those of nine people most of us will never even meet. If you are angry, then use your rights as an American citizen to speak out and and bring about the change you wish to see. And also make decisions and choices that impact those who are in your lives. Remember, the Founding Fathers gave the power to the people. The three branches of government are simply stewards of our will…or at least that is how it was designed to be.

How many of us see a Supreme Court justice at our dinner tables discussing moral issues or senators and representatives at our family reunions talking about the moral dilemmas we are faced with everyday? They are absent from our daily lives and yet we get so bent out of shape when they say and do what we don’t agree with. I would be willing to bet that most of us know nine people whose opinions we value much more than the nine who sit on the Supreme Court. Perhaps it those people we should listen to as an influences in our lives.