• Spirits have absolutely no sense of time.
• Spirits do not always realize that they are dead. To them, its like they are stuck in an awful nightmare.
• Spirits can communicate with us in various ways. In dreams, through subliminal thoughts, automatic writing, via the use of a pendulum, and intuition. Other, more scientific ways are through white noise and evp.
• Spirits are sometimes mischievous and always curious.
• Spirits have a profound sense of smell! They are often attracted to certain smells.
• Spirits are more active at night. Some people think that this is due to less electronic disturbance and that they are able to produce more energy when not having to compete with various electric and electronic devices.
• Spirits can and often do, manifest. Orbs, streaks of light, mists, dark shadows, shadows within shadows, and blurs within the air are the most common. Full-body apparitions are always possible, but are not likely.
• Most ghostly disturbances are actually residue or residual haunting. Events that play themselves out over and over again, often without the spirit having any
• Not all ghosts are “trapped.” Some choose to stay within the earthly realm.
* Spirits retain their personalities.
* Animals and children are more likely to “see” a ghost.
* Even the spirits of animals can “haunt.”