•The Romans developed a 10 month calendar that began with the spring equinox in March and ended in December.
•There is belief that what is now February was overlooked when this calendar was created, as winter weather had little to do with the harvest in the northern hemisphere, where Rome is located.
• Romans essentially considered the winter a period of time with no distinctive months.
• When the second king of Rome, Numa Pompilius, took to the throne in 713 BC, he had plans to make the calendar more accurate by synchronizing it with the actual lunar year, which is roughly 354 days long. Thus, two new months, January and February, were added to the end of the calendar. Both January and February had 28 days.
• In common years, February can pass without a single full moon. The next time this will happen is in 2018.
•Once every six years, February is the only month that has four, full seven-day weeks.
•February starts on the same day of the week as March and November in common years, and on the same day of the week as August on leap years.
•February ends on the same day of the week as October every year.
•In leap years, it is the only month that begins and ends on the same weekday.
•”The word February is believed to have derived from the name ‘Februa’ taken from the Roman ‘Festival of Purification’. The root ‘februo’ meaning to ‘I purify by sacrifice.
• February 1887, the area known as Hollywood was founded.