February 23, 2015 The Board of County Commissioners of Creek County (BOCC) met in Regular Session on Monday, February 23, 2015 at 9:00 a.m., date and time duly posted. Item #1: Meeting was called to order at 9:01 a.m. by Chairman, Newt Stephens Jr. Item #2: Roll Call Stephens present, Whitehouse present, and Stewart present Item #3: Commissioner Stephens led the Pledge of Allegiance. Item #4: Commissioner Stephens spoke the Invocation Item #5: Motion was made by Stewart and seconded by Whitehouse to approve the minutes of February 17, 2015. Vote as follows: Stephens – Aye, Whitehouse – Aye, Stewart – Aye. Item #6: Motion was made by Stewart and seconded by Whitehouse to approve January Monthly Reports from Health Department and Assessor Monthly reports from May 2014 to January 2015 with corrected monthly reports from June 2013 to April 2014; Transfers $191,274.78 from T1A Personnel Services HWY FY2015 to T1c Travel HWY $3,000.00, T2 M&O HWY $148,274.78 and T3 Capital Outlay HWY $40,000.00 FY2015; Blanket Purchase Orders #4966 – 5034; Purchase Orders # Item #7: Motion was made by Stewart and seconded by Whitehouse to correct the minutes of February 9, 2015 on items #2 Whitehouse to present and New Business: Don to Doug. Vote as follows: Stephens – Aye, Whitehouse – Aye, Stewart – Aye. Item #8: Motion was made by Stewart and seconded by Whitehouse to sign CED#1 Materials request on bridge #0447 for HWY District #2. Stewart stated this is Old HWY 51 and is for used beam request as well. Stephens stated that the CED prioritizes the requests and needs. The Board is responsible to police the requests and know how many requests go through. Stephens stated all districts have had two each and this would make District #2 third request. Vote as follows: Stephens – Aye, Whitehouse – Aye, Stewart – Aye. Item #9: Motion was made by Stewart and seconded by Whitehouse to sign Resolution#2015-24 directing the Treasurer’s Office to credit refund check from Kellpro to the County Clerk’s M&O account of $535.15 as per Title 62 OSA 1991 Section 335, and procedures implemented by the State Auditor’s Office. Vote as follows: Stephens – Aye, Whitehouse – Aye, Stewart – Aye. Item #10: Motion was made by Stephens and seconded by Whitehouse to sign service agreement upon District Attorney approval between Standley Systems and Creek County Criminal Justice Center. Stewart stated in the future all documents needing the District Attorney’s signature need to the signature before they come to the Board. Vote as follows: Stephens – Aye, Whitehouse – Aye, Stewart – Aye. Old Business: Item #11: DISCUSSION ONLY/NO ACTION on implementing county road standards for unpaved roads. Mr. Craig Southern, Planner stated he sent the spec’s to INCOG engineers to review the criteria about determining the width, he stated they need to be altered. Southern presented a letter from John McElhenney, P.E. Senior Civil Engineer. Stephens stated the letter states the roads should be paved. A sliding scale was discussed. Stephens expressed the language concern he has with how we control which ones need which. Need language if it’s hard surface added. TAC process if for that stated Southern this is gone through when a subdivision is coming in, the TAC looks at them individually. The Board would be looking at anything that is not a subdivision. Southern, stated all criteria needs to be altered to mirror each other. Stephens stated the D.A. needs to review the language before we proceed with resolution. Stewart stated we need to look at the overall process and the minimum standards for unpaved roads. Section Lines was discussed by Whitehouse stating we need an option to build to County spec’s to be able to have the road be considered to be County Maintained possibly. Southern stated we will be tweaking the standards from 2004, we currently have a lot of illegal subdivisions throughout the County. Southern stated we need to sit down one by one individually with road foreman’s and INCOG to work out concerns. Stewart brought up each district needs to have a book that strictly tracks the roads and bridges that the county adds or updates, along with section lines. Southern stated he could start making a map each year with all section lines that have been opened or altered. Item #12: Discussion and possible action on petition to open section line CCOSL-1-2015 – Allen C. Ranney Petition to Open Section Line the Petitioner requests an approval for the opening of a section line right-of-way for a roadway for public ingress and egress to their property, said line being described as the South Half of the S.W. ¼ of Section 5 Township 19 North, Range 7 East and the South half of the S.E. ¼ of Section 6, Township 19 North, Range 7 Creek County, State of Oklahoma. With a 1,320 linear feet of Open Section Line. (January 26th and February 2, 2015 item was on agenda). Southern stated he had not received any concerns or comments on this request. No one was present to state concern either. The Board stated they would like the applicant to understand that statutorily the right-of-way is 49.75. Stephens stated he would prefer that the applicant go the ½ mile to the center of section line. Stewart stated I don’t think by Statue we can do this, we cannot define that. Motion was made by Stewart and seconded by Whitehouse to sign Resolution#2015-23 citing authority granted to the County under the laws of the State of Oklahoma in two separate Acts, do hereby after conducting a public hearing procedure regarding the opening of said section line right-of-ways, declare said section line right-of-ways in Creek, County Oklahoma, shall henceforth be open to public use as prescribed by law pursuant to applicable Federal Governmental Acts and State law, effective immediately. Vote as follows: Stephens – Aye, Whitehouse – Aye, Stewart – Aye. New Business: Stephens brought up recessing to go to CED. Stephens made a motion to recess. After short discussion Stephens rescinded his motion to recess. Adjournment: Motion was made by Stewart and seconded by Whitehouse to adjourn and meet again March 2, 2015. Vote as follows: Stephens – Aye, Whitehouse,Aye, Stewart – Aye.