The recent public meeting held at the Mannford Senior Center pertaining to the themed Jellystone Park coming to Salt Creek resulted in a “good turnout” and ten comments from the public and four from various agencies, according to Sara Goodeyon, Public Affairs Specialist for Tulsa District Corp of Engineers. Those comments are currently being taken into consideration in the Environmental Assessment. When the EA is complete, there will be a public review period of the EA. There is no set time frame for when the EA will be complete, but it generally takes a few months, Goodeyon added. However, other comments about the project have made their way to various social media sites. Comments range from the curious to the unhappy. Listed are a few of those comments from one such site: “I support expansion but not at the expense of such a beautiful campground! Especially since we lost walnut creek this year!” “I say bring it on, swimming in muddy water is fun!!!” “Looks like a pile of $#!&. I don’t know about everyone else but I go to the lake every weekend to get away society. You might as well put floating iPads out there for all of the kid that don’t know anything but cell phones and video games to make sure they are ignorant of everything that is normally involved in “lake time”! This means more stupid people to deal with and more $#*@ floating around the lake!!! I hope it doesn’t happen!” “I’m sure camping spot prices are going up!!” “And how much of an economic boom will it really bring to Mannford. I’m curious. Most campers bring their weekend supplies with them, do they not? “It will bring more people to the lake – more drunks and more skiers and make the fishing even worse. It’s already impossible to find a place to park your boat on the island on the weekends, and we sure don’t need some private company jacking the camping rates up to $90/night.” So who is right? Keystone Resort & Yacht Club has a few views of their own, according to *****one of the owners of the company that has brought the other Jellystone park to Lake Eufala.