By Gary Goldberg

We all know we’re getting older and hope that when the time comes, there will be a caring and compassionate rest care facility we can go to. For Tammy Dawes, Administrator of Mannford’s Cimarron Pointe Care Center, it’s a question she asked every day. Tammy’s question is whether Cimarron Pointe is providing caring and compassionate service to its residents and to the community. It’s obvious that the answer is a resounding yes. Cimarron Pointe Care Center is an extended stay nursing facility with 108 beds. There is currently room available and they encourage all Mannford residents to give them a call and take a tour of the facility. Tammy has served as the Administrator for a little over a year. She last served as the Administrator of University Village in Tulsa. She was happy there but the opportunity to serve as Administrator at Cimarron Pointe and work in her home town, was too good to pass up. And the Care Center and Mannford are better off for her decision. Tammy was born around the Drumright area, eventually settling in Jennings and going to school in Oiltown. For the past 22 years she has lived in Mannford. She is a graduate of Oiltown High School. She married her high school sweetheart Ricky and they have three sons, Ricky Jr., Trent and Brian. Her first job out of high school was the most difficult and rewarding job available, being a stay at home mom. When the kids grew up, Tammy decided to begin her working career outside the home, eventually becoming a Rehabilitation Tech, working at multiple retirement facilities. This was Tammy’s first foray into health care. Around the year 2000 she decided to travel with Ricky who was in the oil and gas construction management business, serving his clients wherever they might be. Then is 2006 Tammy decided to go back to school and earned her Bachelor’s Degree at Colorado Technical College with a degree in Administration. That lead her into the profession of Administration at area rest care facilities. Tammy prides herself on having Cimarron Pointe treat every resident with the care, compassion and respect that we all would want for our family members. Tammy and all of her staff treat the residents as family, getting to know them and their resident’s family well. Tammy also understands the importance that Cimarron Pointe plays within the community. The Care Center employees over 75 people with an annual payroll of over $1.4 million. Of those 75 employees, over 40 of them live in Mannford while many of the others live is surrounding communities. These are good, respected jobs and helps the economy of the Mannford community. Tammy mentioned that she views the Care Center as an important partner within the community. When she can the Center buys local from such venders at Phelps Market, Dollar General and Flowers by Delores. The Center sends residents to Mannford Vision Care when possible. This is an important way that Cimarron Pointe helps the community they reside in, being a true partner to Mannford. In turn, Tammy shared with me how appreciate the Care Center is to the community and all the things the community does for the residents. Tammy talked about the number of Christmas presents that are delivered to the Care Center to be disbursed to all the residents. While doing this interview I had the pleasure of meeting Frank Sullivan, the owner of Cimarron Pointe. Frank is a successful Attorney, so his income is not dependent upon Cimarron Pointe. Maybe that’s why there is no hesitation on providing the Care Center with anything they need. When the Center needed a $3,000 warmer to assure that meals were being served hot, he didn’t hesitate to purchase it. Tammy also added that there isn’t anything the residents need that Frank won’t provide. And Frank is as good to his staff as he is to the residents. Each year he personally purchases all the school supplies for the children of his staff and makes sure they all receive a Christmas bonus. Watching Frank talk about the Care Center shows his pride in the facility and what they do everyday, to serve their residents. I could also see the pride Frank has for Tammy and all the other employees. The pride I saw in Frank’s eyes was the same pride I saw in Tammy’s. I could see her real emotions when she talked about a resident who recently passed away and her pride when she talked about other residents and her staff. This is truly a woman who cares about her job, where she works and who she for with. Tammy’s is a good, solid Christian family. She said the family enjoys outings, including camping and skeet shooting. While she says she’s not a very good shot, you can tell that just being with her family is hitting the target. She and Ricky attend church at the Yale Church of God. She was quick to tell me it’s referred to as the Cowboy church for the Pastor who will come to services in his spurs, jeans and boots, ready to get back to the ranch after church. Cimarron Pointe Care Center is an important part of Mannford. They care for our family with care and compassion. In the process they treat everyone with dignity. Tammy Dawes is very much a part of the reason that Mannford is blessed to have such a wonderful facility within our community. Caring and Compassionate, two words that say so much about Tammy Dawes and about Cimarron Pointe Care Center.