Mar 4, 2016, was the last day of work at the Mannford division of American Heritage Bank (AHB) for Jane Bemis. She worked for the bank for the last 17.5 years as a teller and vault teller. Many bank customers came to thank Bemis and gave her gifts at the retirement party. As a teller, Bemis provided friendly and professional service. She also has a natural sense of humor, which made her popular among the bank customers. Before AHB, Bemis worked at the Holmes Hardware store. “I decided to start working for the bank, because I wanted to try something new,” she said. “It was hard to learn new things during my banking training in the beginning,” Bemis continued. “But I liked the new challenges.” “My co-workers were just phenomenal,” she said. “They helped me in a lot of tough times. When I had a question related to my job, I always had someone to go talk to about the problem. Someone always had an answer for me.” “I also liked the structure and organization of the bank,” Bemis added. “AHB has a great reputation and it is a good solid bank to work for.” “The bank’s management was helpful and motivating,” she continued. “The bank employees are incredibly honest.” “I also liked the teller’s job a lot because I loved to meet new people,” Bemis stated. “There were fun and sad situations at work sometimes. For example, it was devastating when a bank customer you knew passed away.” Bemis lost her husband in June 2014. She has two daughters and a son, and eight grandchildren. “After I retire, I want to spend time with my children and grandchildren,” Bemis said. “I plan to travel and do volunteer work in kid’s literacy or at a hospital too,” she added. “I got a passport and would like to visit tropical places, San-Diego and New York City.” Bemis added that all the gifts, flowers and good words, which she got during the retirement party, made her humble. “It is the beauty of living in a small town, that people are more than just customers to you,” she said. “They care about me. Things like that do not happen in a big city.”

Jane Bemis retires from the Mannford branch of American Heritage Bank.

Jane Bemis retires from the Mannford branch of American Heritage Bank.