By Suzy Cohen
There is nothing to be concerned about.
Have you been told this by your medical provider?
Yet you have trouble thinking, you’re tired all the time and frequently feel cold. You probably “gray out” first thing in the morning when you get out of bed or stand up too quickly. When the nurse takes your blood pressure (BP) at your appointment and it is 100/60 or 80/50 she says, “There is nothing to be concerned about.”
Um, what’s wrong with this picture!?
Symptoms like this can indicate a problem and craving salt is a possible clue. The craving is due to an inability to hold on to sodium. FYI, the backbone of salt is sodium chloride. If you’ve ever been in an emergency room, there’s a monitor with an alarm that goes off as soon as your diastolic BP dips below 50 or your pulse drops below the normal threshold. When this happens, it means your body is not getting adequate blood flow through the vessels and the pressure drops. Many of you have chronically low pressure (90/60 or lower) and walk around daily with symptoms that get ignored. Unless you actually faint, or have significant lightheadedness or dizziness, you will be dismissed, possibly for years. I’d like you to learn about the condition of low blood pressure, sometimes termed “orthostatic hypotension.” It’s the opposite of “hypertension” or high blood pressure which is what most people fear because it contributes to heart attack and stroke.
Low blood pressure or “orthostatic hypotension” is equally bad and it’s a symptom of various problems including anemia, electrolyte imbalances, heart disease, adrenal insufficiency and Addison’s disease, chronic Lyme disease, neurological dysfunction, dysautonomia and autoimmune conditions. is a side effect of drugs used to lower blood pressure such as diuretics, ACE inhibitors and many others. The condition of POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) is another huge overlooked cause for this and one I urge you to evaluate yourself for. A prescription for the drug Florinef (fludrocortisone) could very well become your miracle drug, and a true game changer. How many times do you hear me say that about a medication?! Now, answer the following questions:
Does my pulse or blood pressure run low?
Does my heart quicken when I stand up?
Do I feel weak or tired?
Am I dizzy frequently?
Do I crave crave salt?
Do I get up reeeeaally slowly so I don’t pass out?
Test yourself. It’s important trust me, there’s a correlation with brain atrophy, congestive heart failure, fractures and ability to tolerate anesthesia. Addressing POTS if you have is important. You wouldn’t just leave a leak in your vehicle’s gas line would you?
There was a scientific paper published in the journal, Heart (March 2014) where researchers extensively reviewed several studies that included over 56,000 participants. Of that total number, 11,580 patients died. Those people with orthostatic hypotension had a higher risk of death from all causes which just confirms my point: There is something to be concerned about.