“Check-Out” the Hominy Library.

The 2017 Hominy Library programs theme, Building a Better World, attracted so many patrons it outgrew their existing presentation facility.  Director of Library Services, Jimmie Ratliff, encouraged with his idea to mobilize the programs, shared his goal with the Operation Round-Up® board by submitting a grant application, requesting portable presentation equipment.  George Weston, Operation Round-Up® District 2 Trustee, interviewed Mr. Ratliff, researched the library’s application and determined their request could benefit the 8,982 patrons in their service area and had the potential to increase the library’s community influence.  Through the Operation Round-Up board’s monthly grant review process, the entire 7-member board voted unanimously to approve the grant.

On September 25, 2017, George Weston presented the Hominy Library an ultra-portable, bright white Epson expandable, up to 80 inches, projection screen, an Epson liquid crystal display projector, and two 6’ folding tables.   Mr. Weston was one of the first to hear Jimmie Ratliff say, “plans for the Libraries’ 2018 mobile program year are already underway.  The library has just received a program grant from Oklahoma City ZOOfriends, a project of the Oklahoma Zoological Society.  Our new presentation equipment allows this and future programs to be presented in larger community facilities, for more participation.”

Operation Round-Up® Program
Non-profit organizations, families, and individuals within the boundaries of the Indian Electric Cooperative’s seven-county service area, may apply for an Operation Round-Up® grant.  Grant applications are only available by phone or both Indian Electric Cooperative’s locations.

Operation Round-Up® is proudly funded voluntarily by Indian Electric members and managed by the IEC Foundation, Inc.  Donations result monthly by IEC members voluntarily ‘rounding up’ their electric bill or prepaid account.  IEC Members have the opportunity to increase their rounding in one-dollar increments and are encouraged to instruct IEC by contacting Clara Eulert at 918-295-9500 or [email protected].   All cash or check donations are tax deductible and accepted in the Indian Electric offices.  Receipts for donations are offered at the time of donation.

“For the cost of your change, the power of pennies, change lives.”  Clara Eulert

Photo: September 25, 2017, George Weston, IEC Operation Round-Up® District 2 Trustee awarded the Hominy Library and Jimmie Ratliff, Director of Library Services an Ultra-portable, bright white Epson projection screen, expandable to 80 inches.  A Liquid Crystal Display Epson projector and two 6’ folding tables.  The presentation equipment facilitates the Libraries’ mobile presentations program.