GREAT things are happening at Mannford Public Schools!

Mrs. Good recently earned funding at for a classroom project called “Kindle Fires to Set Literacy on Fire!” She received for “free” due to donations the following: 5 Kindle Fire Tablets, 5 Kid-Proof Cases and 5 Kid Headphones. The estimated value is $575. Thank you!

We had a surprise visit this past week by Ronald McDonald and his Friendship Show. Ronald performed some magic tricks and talked to us about being a friend and not a bully. Also visiting this week was Piratess Lisa Hudgins. She surprised us with a reading from a special “Pirate Book.”

Kindergarten will be visiting the Pumpkin Patch in Sand Springs while Pre-K will be having their own Pumpkin Patch on our playground.
We are expecting a visit from the firemen and their truck on the 14th during fire safety week. We will also be visiting with a policeman on the 31st and he will be talking to us about safe trick-or-treating!

Did you know that Pre-K kids can say goodbye now at the door and we know how to walk in a line! We also have discovered many interesting facts about apples, including how they taste and what is hiding inside! Most of us call our teacher by name and know where to put our belongings. We have had our first assembly and are working extra hard to have our name called next month!

Kindergarten has been enjoying hands-on investigations with life cycle of pumpkins & apples, the differences in apple tastes and even made some great applesauce! We loved dressing like Pirates and seeing our friends in the parade!
Walk/Bike to school day is Oct. 5th. We are meeting at the Cimtel parking lot at 7:20am. Snacks provided. Students will receive a prize when finished. Upper Elementary students will be escorted back to their school. Please wear the proper shoes and safety equipment. All of the community is welcome to join us. Students are continuing playing miniature golf. They are learning about how to strike a long-handled implement while demonstrating: golf etiquette, proper grip, stance, body orientation, swing technique, follow through and score keeping. We will also be combining traveling with manipulative skills of dribbling, throwing and catching while playing basketball games.

One 3rd grade class will be participating in UNICEF’s Kid Power program. Their active steps and movement will be recorded on pedometers and converting into points that unlock lifesaving packets of therapeutic food for malnourished children around the world
Hey Pirate “Bookaneers!” Did you know that the book fair is coming to the elementary October 10-18? We’ll be open parent conference nights. We have books from PK all the way to high school now. Come check us out! Did you know that Friday, October 14 is “Dress Like a Pirate Day” for grades 1-5, at Mannford Elementary? ARRRRRGGGGGHHHH you going to celebrate with us?

Of course you should join Mannford Elementary Music on Facebook, its the perfect way to keep up to date on concerts and talent shows; not to mention the candid shots of students in pre-k thru 5th grade music!

Third graders have been very busy! They learned to write friendly letters. Students had the opportunity to write to a football player or cheerleader. The football players then visited the students for a “meet and greet” and the players were given their letters. Students also enjoyed having the football players come and read a favorite childhood book to them. We love bridging the gap from the high school to the elementary and sharing in school spirit! Students will also be starting on their multiplication facts in October! Please watch for flash cards to come home and make time to help your student study every evening.

Third graders have also started Study Island. Study Island is a great online resource to help students practice skills they are learning in class and to prepare for the state test in April. Students are able to do study island at home as well. Another great math resource that students are enjoying is Prodigy. Prodigy is a free, fun, gaming type website where students can practice their math skills. This can also be done at home. Book-It begins in October, so remember to read, read, read!

In the last three weeks, we have: 1. Completed a ‘free draw’ based on the book “The Dot” by Peter Reynolds, emphasizing the importance of just making art — regardless of your skill level. Each child received a certificate for participating in International Dot Day. 2. Used Emoji’s as a vehicle for learning to draw expressions. We learned that famous artists (e.g., Edvard Munch in “The Scream”) and emojis use the same conventions to express facial emotions (e.g., raised eyebrows, furrows, etc). 3. Completed our Square One Art fundraiser (with just a few stragglers) 4. Currently we are working on painting water after looking at famous water paintings by Monet and Eakins. We used water-resist oil pastels and watercolor to capture the random pattern of water, plus Swedish gummy fish as stamps. In October we’ll focus on monsters as a vehicle for learning [exaggerated] body features, conveying emotions, inventing stories, etc

First grade is two weeks into the Wonders reading program. Student materials are available to be downloaded on personal tablets. Our reading books are paperback and will not be sent home. Spelling words are sent home on Mondays and need to be practiced daily. Math chapter 2 has covered everyday uses of numbers and how to solve number stories and addition and subtraction sentences. We will begin learning about visual patterns, number patterns, and counting in Math chapter 3. The first grade team is looking forward to parent conferences on October 17th and 18th. Red Ribbon week will be October 24th-28th. Students will dress for Halloween on the 31st

Did you know second grade will be going dinosaur crazy in October? We can’t wait to get started on our research and our projects so that our museum can begin to take shape. Come by and see us around the end of the month. You will surely be amazed
The theme in Mrs. Metcalf’s class this month is Scientific Inquiry. The students will learn the scientific process through a multitude of activities. They will be learning about magnets; solids, liquids, and gases; motion and forces. They will be completing several scientific projects including making ice cream in a bag, finding which food has more seeds, magnetic butterfly mobiles and freezing juice pops!!! They are excited and eager!!

The Fourth Grade students have enjoyed observing Fiddler Crabs for the last few weeks. They have observed behaviors such as burrowing, and the male waving his chela (large claw) to signal to other males and even females. In addition the students have watched the crabs both on land and in water. Mrs. Woods’ class even had an exciting event take place when a female crab molted her outer shell because she grew too large for her current one. The crabs have been very fun to watch and learn from. The students learned how to observe and sketch what they see by drawing the habitats that they created. A step-by-step drawing lesson was done so the students could draw a crab. Currently our crab friends are being adopted and sent to good homes for continued observations, but ‘for fun’ this time

Fourth grade students have successfully finished their beginning of the year review in Math and are getting ready to use the multiplication facts they learned last year. We will soon be charging forward and will be multiplying larger numbers. Most of the students are really excited!

4th grade wrote autobiographies. They were also paid a visit by Mrs. Gleason’s digital media class. The students were interviewed about their fiddler crabs and videoed as well. They loved dressing up for homecoming week.

Mrs. Sellers’ 5th grade reading class just finished the novel Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson. The students studied the skills character traits, setting, and plot using the literature. They were also able to watch the movie, tying in the skill analyzing multimedia.
Mrs. Stout took the following students to the Tulsa State Fair on Saturday, October 1, 2016:
Alex Bartlett Gaven Holley Trystan Baker
Brendlee Genzer Noah Foster Breanna King
Chloe Miller Adrianne Bass Madison Twomey
They were well behaved throughout the entire day, and were exemplary representatives of MMS.

The MMS Math Department (Mrs McKinzie, Mrs Bynum & Mr Greenert) were 100% in attendance at the latest OERB Workshop held at Clinton Middle School in Tulsa on September 24th. They took part in the daylong event focusing on their Middle School Math Curriculum “Rockin’ Ratios,” giving them loads of content and ideas to bring back into their classrooms this year!

Mr. Howard took 35 of our gifted and talented students to the Oklahoma Wildlife Expo in Edmond, where they participated in activities such as Skeet shooting, Kayaking, Archery, and Climbing. The students also learned primitive crafting skills, and were able to take part in hunting, cooking, camping, and other outdoors demonstrations. (Sept 23rd)

Ms. Burris and three MMS students competed in Preliminary Special Olympics Bowling in Stillwater on Oct. 3rd. Result were as follows:
Caden Lee – First Place
Gabe Casillas – Second Place
Jacob Pradmore – Second Place

Mrs. Spradlin’s 8th Grade ELA class have been reading Historical fiction. The Young Traveler’s Gift and learning Seven wonderful decisions for Success… 1. “The Buck Stops Here.” 2. “I Will Seek Wisdom.” 3. “I am a Person of Action.” 4. “I Have a Decided Heart.” 5. “Today I Will Choose to be Happy.” 6. “I Will Greet This Day with a Forgiving Spirit.” and 7. “I Will Persist Without Exception.” The kiddos will be choosing one of the historical people, researching that person, writing a report in first person, coming dressed as that historical person and making a presentation. GREAT year so far!!!
September Student of the month was Beecher Owens
October Student of the month is Lilly Garner
Nic Johnston will be a part of the NCDA All-District Choir in November and Caleb Collins is an alternate. This is a great honor and Ms. Lee is very proud of their hard work.
Zoe Blair is participating for her second year in the Tulsa Youth Opera singing essentials ensemble.

A group of high school choir members has set aside time after school to rehearse a patriotic anthem so they can honor our veterans at local Veteran’s Day celebrations. You can hear them Sunday November 6th at the Mannford museum and Wednesday November 9th at Lakeside Baptist Church.

Join the choir Monday November 14th at McDonald’s for an all you can eat pancake dinner! Tickets can be purchased for $5 from Ms. Lee or any choir member and must be purchased in advance. We need your support as we are planning a trip to Colorado in the spring.
Ale’ Millison was named 2016 Football Homecoming Queen.
Quinton Cook was named 2016 Football Homecoming King and in a show of respect and admiration for their long time classmate, the senior football players conceded the honor to Caleb Parker. It was an emotional moment for everyone to experience.
Homecoming festivities and participation was at an all-time HIGH.
Seniors won the wall decoration competition
Sophomores won the class yell at the pep rally
Thanks to STUCO and Spirit Club for a great homecoming week.

Administration would like to thank the faculty for their magnificent participation with the daily dress up days – great example for our students to follow.
Mannford Band of Pirates have competed in several competitions with great showings:
Oologah stallion battalion invitational:
2nd place drum line in class 3A
2nd place drum major in class 3A
3rd color guard in 3A
3rd overall in class 3A
15th overall in all classes (2A, 3A, 4A and 5A) 26 bands total competing.
Glenpool contest
2nd in class 3A
9th overall, 28 2A, 3A and 4A bands competing.

MHS Art students had 30 cases of ceramic tile donated from the Tile Shop in Tulsa. A wonderful donation that will allow students to make garden mosaics in the spring. Students are getting ready to wood burn some fresh red cedar planks for Thanksgiving decorations.