GREAT things are happening at Mannford Public Schools!
In Speech, PreK and K have been working on letter recognition and sound association, identifying the initial, medial and final sound in words, taking words apart by sound and putting them back together. Speech has also incorporated into its therapy activities, conversational cues, manners, taking turns, fine motor skills, “wh” questions, and following multi-step directions. Students love to have fun while working on articulation and language!
We celebrated our 100th day of school! Some teachers took student pictures and used a program to age the children to 100 years old. Other teachers and students dressed like they were 100 years old. Activities that day included snacks made out groups of 10 different food items and 100 day necklaces made out of Fruit Loop cereal.
PreK are learning about rhyming and patterns. They are starting subtraction in their math journals. They are learning to say the months of the year. PreK have also been getting ready for Valentine’s Day with decorations, hearts and cards shared with all of their friends.
Kindergarteners finished up January activities with a study of snowflakes and penguins and the Author Jan Brett. This month they are studying about ground hog day and why we see shadows. They created shadows by various methods. They are studying about money and the different coins. They are learning about different types of weather and when it occurs. They are continuing their study of addition and subtraction. They continue to work on their reading skills and reading beginner books!
Did you know that Dr. Seuss’s birthday is March 2? MES 1st-3rd graders will be having a “Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss, Let’s Read Across America in our PAJAMAS!” day on FRIDAY, March 3, to celebrate! You can read in a car, you can read, near or far! You can read in a plane, you can read on a train! Read, read, READ! at your MES Library!
Did you know that the book fair is coming soon? February 27-March 10, and we have something for every age. Check us out!
First Grade will be learning about plants. We will continue learning math facts, comparison symbols (<,>,and =), and number stories as we finish Math Chapter 5. Chapter 6 will continue math facts, centimeters, and quarters. We will learn about the presidents. February is National Heart Health Month and Dental Health Month so we will be discussing choices we can make to keep our hearts and teeth healthy.
Grades 3-5 will be finishing up archery. They have learned about: eye dominance, range commands, basic equipment, stance, knocking the arrow, drawing, anchoring, aiming, releasing and follow through. 1st and 2nd will be using the parachute and practicing skills such as: cooperation, inflation technique, listening, arm/leg strength, rhythmical movement and sequence building. The American Heart Association and MES will be participating in their annual community service event the week
of Feb. 13-17th. Students will have an opportunity to collect donations and earn prizes and they will also be practicing jump/hoop skills. We will be having a community health fair in the lower gymnasium on March 6th from 5-7pm as well. Please come join us. Third graders in 4 of the classrooms are enjoying 20 Chromebooks that were funded through Donor’s Choose by Google and other donors! Two other teachers have also written grants in the hopes of adding Chromebooks to their rooms as well! Students have used them to practice their skills and to review in fun ways.
Mrs. Ausbern also had a separate grant funded for headphones for her Chromebooks. With the help of the PTO and a little grant money, Mrs. Cavenah was able to provide headphones for her class as well. Students are looking forward to their Valentine’s Day party. They have also been working very hard to master their multiplication facts and will celebrate soon. Students have also enjoyed doing various novel studies in their classrooms. They are becoming avid readers!
The 2nd grade concert, ‘Top of the Charts’, will be Tuesday, April 25th. Booklets and Cd’s will be sent home Friday, February 10th. A detailed note will be on the first page of the song booklet. The 1st grade concert, Gettin’ Down with Mama Goose’, will be Tuesday, March 28th. Booklets and Cd’s will be sent home Friday, February 10th; a detailed note will be on the first page of the song booklet.
Ask any second grader and they could tell you an abundance of information about our solar system.
They are finishing their study and could amaze you with their knowledge. Parents are welcome to join us for Valentine’s parties at lunch on the 14th.
4th grade has written acrostic and diamante poems. This week, we will write cinquain poems.
In Social Studies, 5th grade students made Patriotbook social media pages. They used important people from the Revolutionary War to create profiles and posts.
Mrs. Sellers’ 5th grade reading class just finished the novel Number the Stars by Lois Lowery. The students connected the historical fiction novel with the real events of WWII. This is a remarkable story about a young Danish girl that demonstrates bravery and friendship when she helps to save the life of her Jewish best friend. The story accounts for the true and real events of what the people of Denmark did to smuggle almost 7,000 Danish Jews across the sea to freedom in Sweden.
The February topic in Mrs. Metcalf’s classroom is Resources By Region. The students are learning about natural resources. Activities will include Survey and Chart. Students will take a survey from peers and staff asking which state they would like to visit. The options are located in different regions of the US. They will then chart the results on a bar graph. Other activities will include making a mosaic map, Monkey Bread Mountain and learning to use a compass.
On Saturday, January 21, a group of MMS students accompanied Ms. Gaebler and Mrs. Wilson to Tulsa for a tour and discussion over some of the Art Deco Architecture that our neighboring city is known for.
After discussing characteristics of the Art Deco styles, the group ventured onwards to The Purple Glaze and enjoyed painting green ware. The group concluded their journey arriving at CiCi’s Pizza for a filling lunch and a few arcade games!
On Tuesday, December 13th, Ms. Gaebler will be taking a group of students to the Cimarron Pointe Care Center in Mannford. Accompanied by Mrs. Wilson and Mr. Anderson, the group will read books to the residents and share holiday cheer.
Due to the Ice storm in January, the Special Olympic Winter games were cancelled. We are now getting our teams and events ready for Track and Field in the Summer Games for May!
The 8th grade AP Language Arts class have been busy rehearsing for
“The Diary of Anne Frank” play. They will be performing it on Thursday and Friday, February 9 and 10.
The students have been working hard and doing a wonderful job!
The following “Did You Know” is from Coach Holt:
Did you know that while it is 86 degrees in Oklahoma this Saturday, it will be in the single digits in Ukraine with blowing snow? LOL!
I hope this finds everyone in good health and rocking right along with the second semester of school. Things are interesting here in Eastern Europe and I am learning a lot about how to survive in this environment which is definitely not my cup of tea. I am more of a sand and surf type rather than a snow and ice type!
As always Oklahoma National Guard soldiers are excelling at a very important mission and making us all extremely proud. A recent scan of the news regarding Ukraine will tell you all you need to know about why we were sent here. While I am proud to be a part of it, I definitely miss the staff and students ofMMS. We all make adjustments and do what we have to do, but there is no place like home. 8th graders Social Studies students are knee deep in Manifest Destiny and we start our first track practice today, which makes it my favorite day of the year (Coach Aven). We are hosting the Tulsa 7 Conference track meet April 22nd.
January Student of the month is Leigh Welch
February Student of the month is Garret Rask
National Honor Society raised $6337 for the 32nd Annual Santa Project! We were able to purchase Christmas gifts for 127 local children on the Spirit of Christmas Tree at Mannford
American Heritage Bank and provide Christmas stockings to 10 high school students. The lessons the NHS students learn go beyond the curriculum we teach in our classes! They learn about giving of themselves, to live generously, and to be thankful for what they have. They learn how to spend $50 and get the absolute best value for the money to make another child’s Christmas morning one of joy! Most
importantly, this experience makes them more aware of the needs of others around them. Years down the road, many of these students will reflect back to the Santa Project being one of their best high school memories!
Freshmen Girls Basketball Team are the back to back Tulsa 7 Conference Champs.
Varsity Wrestling finished the regular season with a 9-3 dual record.
Varsity Basketball hosts Tulsa Webster for Districts Saturday February 18 to begin the playoffs.
Congrats to the Jazz Band for 2nd place at Verdigris Jazz contest and Congratulations to Cody Marler for outstanding soloist out of ALL bands. He will get a scholarship to jazz camp this summer worth $125.00
for the honor!!!!
Mannford Speech and Debate team has had a busy and successful year so far. We have competed in six tournaments, qualified nineteen events and won the Oologah, Union,and Prague tournaments. We have two more qualifying tournaments: Haskell and Bristow and will then compete in the OSSAA Regional competition to see who gets to represent Mannford at the State Tournament at OU on April 6- 8. Five of our seniors are preparing for the Harvard Tournament on President’s weekend. This is an outstanding group of young people who represent Mannford with pride.