By Tatyana Nyborg/Reporter

The Oklahoma sales tax is the biggest source of income for the City of Mannford.

According to the April 30, 2016, City of Mannford proposed budget worksheet, the administration collected sales tax in the amount of $1,189,842.89 in 2013-2014, $1,151,774.42 in 2014-2015.

The 2015-2016 fiscal year estimated sales tax was $1,175,000. The June 30, 2016, Town of Mannford financial statement states that, actually, $1,160,882.48 of sales tax was collected in that fiscal year. It was 98.80 percent of the planned budget.

The 2016-2017 estimated sales tax was $1,200,000, according to the April 30, 2016, City of Mannford proposed budget worksheet.

The numbers below are for Oklahoma sales tax revenue based on randomly selected months.

According to the City of Mannford financial statement as of Jan. 31, 2016, $90,760.44 of sales tax was collected in January.

In March 2016, $82,329.83 came to the city’s sales tax fund.

In April 2016, the sales tax collection numbers reached $109,295.05.

According to the City of Mannford financial statement as of June 30, 2016, the city received $93,241.25 sales tax revenue in June.

Mannford city manager, Mike  Nunneley, presented year to date (YDT) sales tax revenue analysis at a city council meeting. The last two fiscal years were compared in the analysis.

YTD (July 2015 – Feb 2016) sales tax revenue was $767,787.14 in 2015. YTD (July 2015 – Feb 2016) revenue was $773,396.14 in 2016. The difference was plus $5,609.28.

YTD (July 2015 – March 2016) sales tax revenue was $853,921.84 in 2015. YTD (July 2015 – March 2016) revenue was $855,726.25 in 2016. The increase was $1,804.41.

YTD (July 2015 – May 2016) sales tax revenue was $1,040,062.81 in 2015. YTD (July 2015 – May 2016) revenue was $1,067,641.23 in 2016. The difference was plus $27,578.42.