Let the fun continue.! This is the 69th installment of a continuing fictional story. Before each new segment, the last paragraph from the prior edition will be shown in quotations.
“Weathers sharing information on the criminal investigation months earlier, but had been told that Weathers’ investigations had been rooted in uncovering racially motivated crimes and that he had presented no evidence in his reports that any of the local criminal activity was a result of such a violation. It was clear that his report statuses had not changed since the supervisory agent agreed to cooperate if a link was established. ”
By C.L. Harmon

Serial Thriller

Serial Thriller

I still had not mentioned anything to Letters about the book I had seen at Polk’s for fear that his stress levels still may still be to high. I didn’t want him angry at me for spying on Polk and stress certainly put him on edge.
Sam had been gone with her mom visiting relatives and so things were quiet…except in my head. I had split a few thoughts over how Dobson had looked when I found him and how he looked when the police got there. Something like a massive beating with blood and swelling is not something easily mistaken for something else. Especially when those wounds were completely gone within the time frame of an hour.
Letters phoned the house a few nights after the Dobson discovery and the quietness was finally broken. My mom came to my room and told me he had called and asked if I would come to the office and help him out with something. I had been reading, but a nice walk in the evening air sounded even better and so off I went. I reached Letters’ office several minutes later. Upon entering, the deputy working the desk, just pointed to Letters’ office door without so much as a word or passing glance. I made my way to the entrance, but he didn’t hear me. I watched him for a few seconds while he combed through some papers and signed every other sheet. I finally knocked and he motioned for me to come in.
“Have a seat son!” I did and then he handed me the stack of papers he had just been reading.
“What am I looking at Elden? He answered me with a puzzled expression first, then responded.
“I don’t know Blake. Neither does the coroner or anyone else for that matter. I was holding a preliminary coroner’s report with drawings of a male body, arrows pointing at certain areas, hand written notes in the margins and the word UNKNOWN listed in the box for cause of death.
“What does this mean Elden? Does the coroner not know what killed Dobson? Letters explained that there were a few abrasions on his body and there was a small gash on his head, but nothing substantial enough to cause death. Those injuries would explain the blood that we had found at the scene, but not the manner of death. I remembered thinking at his house when Letters and I went out there that there was not enough blood on the kitchen floor of the stone walkway to believe that Dobson had been killed. The report I was looking at had arrows pointing to the head wound and other areas where there has been abrasions or small cuts. And in the margins were notes explaining that the wounds were too insignificant to cause ample blood loss or death.
There was another handwritten message at the end of the report after the official typing had ended. ‘The most perplexing death mask I have ever seen. It’s almost as though the last vision his eyes ever beheld, was enough to actually frighten the subject to death.’